The 8th annual meeting of SIP will take place at
stony brook university
stony brook, ny, usa
april 3-5, 2025
The conference will be hosted in collaboration with the Department of Philosophy and the Center for Italian Studies at Stony Brook University and the John D. Calandra Italian American Institute, Queens College/CUNY.
The first two days of the conference, April 3 and 4, will take place on the Stony Brook campus. On Saturday, April 5, the John D. Calandra Italian American Institute is graciously hosting two special sessions and lunch for all registered SIP participants.
The Calandra Institute is located at 25 West 43rd St, Suite 1700 in Manhattan, NY 10036. A bus from the Stony Brook campus to the Calandra Institute will depart Saturday morning for registered SIP participants. Details forthcoming.
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